Aphrodisiac drugs

This is a tricky one, as some psychoactive substances such as Acohol, THC, Methaqualone, GHB and MDMA can increase libido and sexual desire but they don't consistently produce aphrodisiac effects as their main action and often actually impair function (Shakespeare's famous statement that alcohol "provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance". Nonetheless, these drugs are regularly used to increase sexual pleasure and to reduce sexual inhibition. Anti-erectile dysfunction drugs, are not considered aphrodisiacs because they do not have any direct effect on the libido, although increased ability to attain an erection may be interpreted as increased sexual arousal by users of these drugs.

Now, let's have a look at the different substances and what they exactly do...


TetraHydroCannabinol or THC is the active chemical agent in cannabis (or marijuana). It helps to relieve tension and stress and gives the user a broader perspective while acceptance levels lower. THC can be a lust-exciter for some, but for others quite the opposite. Therefor it is recommended to use THC only when you know it has a positive effect on the particular person, or combining it with other aphrodisiac(s). Beware though that not all drugs can be combined!

MDMA (XTC / Ecstacy)

GammaButiroLactone is the active chemical in GHB, also famously called the ultimate sex-drug.


AEDD (Viagra / Levitra)

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