Monday 21 January 2013

Importance of holding her hand

As he walks with her down the street, he knows he has to make sure she will continue to perceive him as the attractive yet sensual alpha-male. He takes her hand without hesitation and holds it manly in his own. 

This is with a lot of girls a brilliant way of keeping the control while making her feel you’re sweet. It also allows further escalation and gets her used to being touched by you. If you can, and her personality and emotional state allow you to, always make her hold you hand. For women the feeling of holding a guy’s hand brings them a state of comfort and safety.

Holding her hand while walking with her may seem very obvious, but believe me, you will be amazed how many guys justsimply dn’t take importunity  Mae sue you don’t make that stake! Note: in spcific cases I adice not to use this basic seduction method.