Thursday 17 January 2013

Getting girls into your bed with the Double Bind Technique

Seduce girls with the
double bind technique
Here are some tips to get girls to sleep with you or do whatever you want using the double bind technique.  The double bind technique is used when you’re getting a girl to shape her behavior towards your desired end-result by getting her to accept your sexual frames.  A double bind is where you ask a question or make a statement, and no matter how she answers, she'll have to accept the sexual frame you’re setting.

An example of a double bind a girl could give you: “Are you a player?”  Either way that you answer, you’re accepting her frame.  If you say that you are, you’re telling her that you’re a cool, suave player that’s trying to impress you.  If you say that you’re not, what you’re actually saying is that you’re a nice guy and you’re not like those guys.

How to get women to have sex
with you instantly
using the secret
double bind seduction technique
Double binds are incredibly powerful seduction techniques because they get girls to represent any kind of image that you want to put on them.

Here is an example of a double frame that is highly effective.  You simply ask a girl if she’s just a typical party girl.  Use whatever city you’re in to make it sound worse – for example, an Amsterdam party girl.

If she says yes, you tell her that it’s cool to hear that because you’re a big party animal too.  You love to go out and make the scene, hang out in clubs like this, and live large; and you hate girls who like to sit around at home at night because they’re boring.

Instant seduction techniques
Double bind for sex and love
If she says no, you tell her that you don’t really like to party that much either and you’re just out with some friends tonight.  Tell her you aren't compatible with party girls, and that you prefer laid back girls who like to stay home and watch DVD's just like you.

Either way that she answers, you get her to qualify the way you want her to, and then you can start building frames.  Your frames will use this angle to gradually escalate things until you've get her in the palm of your hand.

Sexual frames are very effective in getting to fuck girls, women, even married women.  It’s one of the tips to attract women that not a lot of guys are well-versed in.  If you practice this technique a little bit you’ll master it quickly, and it will work wonders for you.  Think on your own and create your own double binds. Then, try them out and see which ones work or don't.

Do comment about your personal experiences after reading my article or email me if you have specific questions. You could also add me on Facebook.